Frequently Asked Questions

On this section you we find questions or queries that interest both buyers and sellers! Take time to go through and you will find your answers

How To Buy A Product?

1.Write the seller to confirm availability of the item/ product

2. Don’t send the seller money

3. Meet the seller only in public places where you are comfortable

4. Check the item before you pay to make sure it’s what you wanted.

In order to become a seller, here are the few steps you need to take;

1. Register an account and select a username for your store

2. Go to my account —> select Setup Store . Add details of your store, pictures and etc

3. As a seller you have more than 30 free ads, post what your are advertising with a brief description and several photos of the product if you desire.

4. Promotion; we have two types of promotions, featured and bump up

4.1 featured - when you pay for this promotion an ads goes to the top of the page for 5days

4.2 Bump up - when you pay for this promotion your advert will be reposting itself for 8 days

5.Subscription - if you are interested in buying a subscription you can choose one from the subscription section in my account

If you are not a seller and don’t want to setup a store you can contact our support team to help you add an advert! Our contact details are in the contact section