Buyer scams & Seller Fraud

What is a Buyer Scam?

A buyer scam is any scam that is perpetrated by the buyer.

This could be in the form of:
A buyer sending a fake proof of payment to the seller
A buyer depositing an invalid cheque 
A common tactic of a scammer would be to direct the conversation to WhatsApp. If you are unsure about a user, please send a snapshot of the conversation, contact number or email address used by the buyer to our helpdesk.

What Are the Buyer Scams You Need to Watch Out For?

The buyer sends a driver to pick up an item:

The scammer insists on doing an EFT payment. After agreeing on a price, the buyer will send an EFT SMS notification to the seller’s phone showing that the funds were transferred. However, the SMS notification is fake. Once payment is made, the scammer sends a driver to collect the item.

What to do:
Do not hand over an item unless the money reflects on your account. With EFT payments, this could take up to a day to reflect. A tactic that the scammers use is to ask what financial institution you are with, knowing that same bank transfers are quicker. 
Check with your bank to verify the legitimacy of the SMS notification received and if any payment was made.
If possible, ask the user to meet you in person.
The buyer pays with a cheque:

In this scenario, the funds will reflect on the seller’s account. However, the payment will later be declined.

What to do: 
Contact your financial institution to confirm that the payment is legitimate
If payment was made by cheque, please wait until it has cleared before handing over the item
If possible, avoid cheque payments entirely and insist on EFT/Cash payments

What are fraudulent purchase attempts?

Buying and selling via ZGlobalMarket can be a fun and exciting experience; the connection with other Platform Members, the verbal (or written) exchange, the anticipation and completion of the deal; the whole experience. That said, ZGlobalMarket cares about your online safety and privacy, helping ensure that you are protected from receiving unwanted spam or fraudulent replies, by automatically masking the email addresses of buyers and sellers on non-commercial ads. It’s also important to keep informed of trends, patterns and the latest safety tips, in order to help ensure that your experience on the site is a positive one.

Recently, reports have been received regarding fraudulent purchase attempts made, intending to redirect conversations outside the ZGlobalMarket messaging platform, to immediately pay for the item in full. Upon acceptance, a false transfer receipt is received via email. Trusting the communication, without reviewing the financial evidence of the payment, the unsuspecting seller then surrenders the item, only to realize later, that they received a fake payment.

The success of the fraudulent request largely relies on verbal/written exchanges being conducted off the ZGlobalMarket platform. As such, communication conducted exclusively via site messaging is strongly encouraged, as this helps ensure that your personal information is kept safe and anonymous. Third-party channels such as SMS messaging and direct email communication should be avoided when conducting business on ZGlobalMarket .

If you feel you have received a fraudulent purchase request or have encountered any other activities of concern on the site, kindly reach out directly to our Support Team.